
ElonX.cz was originally created in January 2017 as a small Czech fan-site about SpaceX. Over time, it turned into a very active news source about all of Elon Musk’s companies including Tesla, The Boring Company, Neuralink and more. The Czech website contains hundreds of articles, lists and videos. I figured some of that content might be of interest to the wider international audience and now you’re looking at the result – English version of ElonX.cz!

The English site is pretty barebones for now and is really just an experiment to gauge interest. There are plenty of news sites about Elon Musk and his companies and I’m not really trying to compete with them, but I think having a good and up-to-date resource about the most important Elon-related topics is still useful. That said, it’s definitely possible that I might end up translating some of the best or most interesting news articles from ElonX.cz eventually (contact me if you’d like to help with this, I need an English speaker who could improve auto-translated articles). But for now, I plan on focusing on adding other detailed lists and also translating or creating more of those long “Compendium” articles.

By the way, Google Translate seems to be really good these days so you might want to give the auto-translated version of ElonX.cz a try too. There are daily news about SpaceX and Musk’s other companies, detailed mission profiles for every single SpaceX launch (both past and future, just click the mission name), plus lots of other content like interesting videos or fun stories from SpaceX history.

Contact Information

Feel free to contact me with any ideas, corrections, criticism or questions. Also, if you’d like to help translate or create content for ElonX, definitely let me know!

Email: elonx@elonx.net