Tagged: FSD Beta


Tesla FSD Beta Highlights: The V10 update is both good and bad

Third episode of a new series highlighting interesting moments captured by Tesla FSD Beta testers. In this installment, we look at the V10 software update which was hyped by Elon Musk as “mind-blowing”. And while it’s true it improved in some areas and fixed several long standing issues, it’s also been making pretty dangerous mistakes.


Tesla FSD Beta Highlights: Cyclists and pedestrians in the road

Second episode of a new series highlighting interesting moments captured by Tesla FSD Beta testers. In this installment, we show several clips involving cyclists and pedestrians in the road. Autopilot usually has no problem going around them but sometimes the scenario can be pretty complex. Check out the video to see how the software handles these interesting situations.


Tesla FSD Beta Highlights: Running stop signs and red lights

First episode of a new series highlighting interesting moments captured by Tesla FSD Beta testers. In this installment, I show several examples of big mistakes that FSD Beta in the form of running red lights and stop signs. The video also talks about how Autopilot handles obscured signs and traffic lights or what happens when it encounters a stop sign that isn’t mapped.


Watch how much has Tesla FSD Beta improved over 9 months

FSD Beta software is a version of Tesla Autopilot designed to eventually be capable of driving autonomously in virtually any situation. It’s definitely not there yet, but it has improved a lot since its initial release. I made a video that compares clips from two drives on the exact same route, but taken 9 months apart. The difference is stark.